American cities

There are "many sides," President Donald Trump insisted in his condemnation of a Nazi sympathizer's using his vehicle to and main American citizens in broad daylight last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia.It was shocking to some that the president of the United States, a country in which nearly half a million people sacrificed their lives fighting the Nazi led axis powers in the Second World War, would equivocate in calling out that bankrupt ideology as it tries to reassert itself in the America of 2017.But it wasn a shock to me. In his equivocation, the president was merely being true to the false equivalences that he and others have consistently created to justify or provide cover to those who willingly and methodically work to undermine our democratic values and demean the lives of others.Thus, Black Lives Matter, an organization that fights against the violence and systematic racism directed against black people, is characterized by many on the right as a terrorist organization.The unconstitutional policing practices that contributed to the killing of unarmed black people by the police were often dismissed as being less of an issue than the gang related shootings that occur in many American cities.Steve Bannon, the man Trump appointed as his chief White House strategist, is the former editor of Breitbart, a conservative website that spews racist, xenophobic and anti Semitic rants and which Mr. Bannon once boasted was "the platform for the alt right."Yet the president's coziness with a man who many white nationalists see as their champion is excused by some as less egregious than President Obama once being a member of the Rev. 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